Glaciers, Mammals and Birds of Prince William Sound

The 9-hour tour was a perfect way to discover all of what Prince William Sound has to offer – amazing glaciers, exciting wildlife and a rich history.  The cruise toured the majestic waters of Prince William Sound from Valdez to Meares Glacier.   There was great scenery along the way.  Check out the amazing size and shapes of the icebergs.

It was an overcast day with scattered fog.  We saw many fishing boats and with one them reeling in their nets with a few hundred pink salmon.  During the tour we photographed: Tufted Puffins; Stellar Sea Lions; Humpback Whales; Sea Otters; and Harbor Seals.  The Sea Otters and Harbor Seals posed just for us.

Note:  There are two pages of photos.  After seeing the first set of photos click on [2].