David has a date with an old friend

Arriving in small towns, we seek out a live theater with local performers. One play was Avenue Q in Duluth,MN that was outstanding. Think of Avenue Q like Sesame Street for grown ups. The actors playing the puppets remain on stage throughout the entire show, and react to their puppets and mimic their actions. It’s a super fast moving show, and was really fun to watch.

Situated at the westernmost point of the Great Lakes on the north shore of Lake Superior, Duluth, MN is accessible to oceangoing vessels from the Atlantic Ocean 2,300 miles (3,700 km) away via the Great Lakes Waterway and the Saint Lawrence Seaway. Lake Superior is the largest freshwater lake in the world by surface area.

Duluth, MN forms a metropolitan area with Superior, WI called the Twin Ports. The cities share the Duluth –Superior harbor and together are the Great Lakes’ largest port transporting coal, iron ore (taconite), and grain.

David got reacquainted with an old friend in Superior, WI, and took her out over Lake Superior. This old friend was a 1978 Cessna 172 that he had owned for several years in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s.

Our next two stops, after departing Duluth, was in Hayward, WI and Taylor Falls MN. Our friends from Denver, Julie and Carl joined us as we tubed down a river and kayaked the St. Croix River.

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.