A Photo Safari in Kruger – Jan 31 – Feb 7

It was our intention to photograph Kruger animals. To push ourselves, to improve our technical skills, to pay attention to composition, to find a spectacular shot. And at the end of the day, it was all about waiting, staying quiet enough for the animals to forget that you are there, and then they carried out with their normal lives – which was spectacular . . . .

And here are our results. Of the nearly 2,000 pictures taken, our top 200. But the part I remember the most is going down some dirt road, winding along thru trees and coming upon a group of buffaloes, then elephants around the next corner to the point you were almost afraid to drive. Or the day we got up so early, there was a pride of lions laying on the road.

We will post a blog for each set of animals. Please note it was difficult to narrow the number of photos, on some blogs there are more than one page of photos. Enjoy and check back often for updates.

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.