Adventures past Italy

Driving from Phoenix to Tucson after 24 hours of flying; delivering the RV to Yuma for repair; meeting the grandkids in Disneyland; four day RV trip to Colorado; a soak at Mt. Princeton Hot Springs in Buena Vista, CO; a Shadowcliff Memorial Day Volunteer weekend in Grand Lake, CO; two quick weeks in Denver visiting family, friends and doctors and lastly, attending our grandson Chases’ continuation ceremony from Middle School.

We readied the RV and departed Denver on June 10 for our next adventure. We are on our way to the boundary waters of Minnesota. As shown on the map, we traveled through Nebraska, South Dakota, and now our journey truly begins. First stop in Minnesota – Ashby and now Nissiwa, with each stop on a lake and bicycle path. Next two stops bring us closer to the boundary waters and then the “circling of Lake Superior by RV”.

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.