Bolivia final farewell – La Paz

It was nice to return to La Paz. Our regular driver picked us up from the airport and took us back to our home away from home, the Rendezvous. Zach the owner of this B&B Hotel, is from Boston and always makes feel like we are home.

This time, our goal was to see the sights of La Paz and the surrounding areas (two previous posts). In the city itself, the government installed cable cars as a pollution free transportation option. As the heart of La Paz is about 1000′ lower then El Alto La Paz, we took the gondola as a way to view the city from a unique vantage point. We also spent time wandering around this pretty walkable city, checking out the scenery and a few of the locals.

Now it is time to head back to Santiago, and Part II of the trip. This next part of our journey is touring wineries in Chile by bicycle and Touring Patagonia in Chile and Argentina.

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.