Boquete, Panama – December 15-19, 2012

Boquete is the end of our road in Panama before we turn around and return to Panama City. The holidays are quickly approaching. This small sleepy town of coffee plantations can lure you in. Located in the mountains, it is cool and dry, the expats are very friendly and are living a panama dream here just as lovely as the beach people, but with an arts flair– they have theatre groups, and libraries, and coffee shops. Everyone knows everyone, and mostly have good things to say.

We took a rafting trip, the owner is from Telluride Colorado, and snapped these pictures (stay tuned for photos) off the boats going down river. It was a fun day, a beautiful way to see Panama in all the natural elements. Birds, lizards, monkeys and sloth plus cervesas, (beer for you gringos) it almost felt like home. I know, we do not have monkeys and sloths on our river banks, but there is the camaraderie of a rapid well run or a person getting a face full of water.

While walking back to our B&B, we saw a sign for villas and casino.  A casino with ‘Sloth Machines’.

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.