Bratislava Castle, Slovakia

Bratislava is located on the edge of the Danube River and the borders of Austria and Hungary, making it the only capital in the world that is bordered by three sovereign states.  The city is dominated by Bratislava Castle with its characteristic four towers.  The labyrinth of cobbled streets, mostly limited to pedestrians, greenery and fountains adorn the small parks, as you walk around this very walkable city.

The restored castle is situated on a rocky hillside of the Little Carpathians forming an important landmark of the city.  There are more structures, of course, including gardens, courtyards, walls and terraces in addition to the castle palace.  The Austrian Alps are more than 100 km far from Bratislava. If weather conditions are favourable, you can see them with the naked eye from the castle’s turret.

The castle palace has preserved elements from Gothic and Baroque with some Renaissance elements.  Today it serves as a museum and venue for special events such as the Bush-Putin summit in February 2005.

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.