El Valle de Anton, Panama – December 11 – 12, 2012

Just a few hours outside of Panama City, is a town built inside of a caldera.  Located just off the Pan American highway, you drive up a very steep road, summit the ridge of the ancient volcano and then down again into the caldera.  It reminds me of  Ngorongoro crater where life is lived within the very fertile soils left behind as a result of the volcano, in this case the rainforest.  We settled at the casa Luis, a Mac computer lover and designer of his beautiful compound.  David and he became fast friends, contrasting and comparing computer attributes.  Luis invited us and the other guests, to his wine bar for a few glasses of wine while we chatted the evening away, us in Spanish, the locals in English each side wanting to practice the others language.  It was such a remarkable evening.

The next day, we went 4×4 ATVing over to one of the waterfalls in the valley.  A foot friendly activity.  The owners were from Canada and we really enjoyed listening to their adventures starting a business in a foreign country and living the ex-pat life.  We all know how blessed we are to be multi-cultural, and Dave and I are suddenly aware of the difference between visiting and working in a foreign country.

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.