Florida – Family, Friends and Fun

We just spent 3 months (Feb, Mar and April) in Florida, more time than we spend to see an entire country!  But, Florida is big, or it is certainly diverse, you drive a few hours and feel like you in a whole different place.

Ft Myers, where we settled in for our first foray in a 55 and over community is spectacular.  (Theatre, history, kayaking, wildlife): So much so that we are going to return for the season next winter.

David connected with a sport plane group at the local airport and successfully checked out in a light sport airplane and logged 8 hours this winter.  That is a major milestone, and place of happiness for him.

David’s sister from San Francisco joined us for a week, making all 4 siblings in one place. Karen’s friend Priscilla from Littleton, CO joined us for a week of sightseeing. We visited David’s cousin Marty many times as he lives in Punta Gorda, a short 15-minute drive from the RV.

We saw the Florida Keys and the Everglades under the wing of the Cessna T-210 with our good friends, Carl and Julie, and ate Key Lime Pie like there was no tomorrow!  The beach, snorkeling and the chance for Carl and David to attend Sun and Fun (the second largest air show in America), while the girls enjoyed a few days sunning in San Juan.

The little grandkids came and loved the beach, sandcastles, and seafood. The world famous Florida Amusement Parks are always a hit, and did not disappoint.  Denver had a blizzard while they were in Florida, and the weather was all the sweeter.

The teenage grandkids came and we were able take in a spring training baseball game, hike in a wildlife management area where they saw a turtle digging a nest and laying eggs.  Alligators swimming just below the surface, and baby eagles fledging.  These are the gifts you want to give your kids.

Next stop in Camp Casa is Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina.


Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.