Habla ya Is “I speak” in Spanish. Unfortunately, neither of us did that…speak Spanish thing. So with some trepidation, we began an immersion Spanish experience. Oh la la. We really lucked out and we were the only two people in our class, so basically it was private lessons. We spent two very short weeks in school, 4 hours every morning, and the afternoons with extracurricular activities like taking the water taxi to another island for lunch or biking down to the beach for a swim. And evenings doing HOMEWORK! Only three pages a night, but it pushed us to a new level every day. After all 0 to 4 is a 400% increase, but not so far in the big picture.
The teacher encouraged us thru all the standard phrases, hello, where are you from, etc. and we finally made it to sentences. Short, need based (necessito el bano, el banko, el medico) but definitely useful words. So we’re done with school now and on our very own. But we are determined to continue on and use it, even if there is English spoken. The people are happy to correct our stuttering and hesitant pronunciation and are good natured at our self depreciated response.
It will be true, Habla ya.
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