Hamster for a Day! Rotorua OGO

Ten years ago we had BALL rolling down a hill, at that time called Zorbing. We remember it well and knew it was not our last time. It was like rolling down San Francisco’s Lombard Street in an inflatable ball.

We sought out other Zorbing sites in the world and returned to NZ to do it again. This time it was called H2OGO on a longer 350 meter zig zag course down a grassy hill. We loved it so, we not only did one run, but three.

What is H2OGO? The OGO ball is a large inflated plastic ball, with another ball inside in which you roll down a hill—reaching speeds of up to 50 kilometers per hour! Once the operator puts a few gallons of warm water in the ball, we did a Superman-dive into the OGO before rolling downhill.

The first run was on the sidewinder which is the world’s longest track! 350+ meters with 6 massive corners that sent us in different directions as we zig zaged our way after down the hill in a wash of water and mixed up craziness. It was non stop giggling and laughing as we rolled uncontrollable down the hill.

The second time rolling down the hill was on the straight track. After hauling our selfs into the OGO ball and we rolled quickly down the 250m course straight down the hill. The third roll was the sidewinder.

We were like hamsters in a ball rolling down a hill, it was not enough we want to do it again and again……..

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.