Happy Anniversary, July 11

Karen and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary on July 11. It has been truly wonderful and a blessing. When looking back on that day we met 14 years ago we discussed every thing from retirement to traveling. I had 5 more years before retirement and Karen 9 years.  Now both being retired, we are full time travelers.

When we first met, Karen was planning a solo trip to Peru that included hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. After a few months of dating, we discussed the possibility of me joining her.   I did some Internet searching and purchased airline tickets to Lima where I joined her a few days after her arrival. She met me at the airport with flowers and from that day on there was no looking back.

The maps in this blog post contain pins where we have been in the last 14 years.   We sold our house in Aurora, CO in May of 2012 and have been full time travelers since.  We alternate travel with our RV (Camp Casa) for 4 months somewhere in North America and 4 months in a destination over seas.

It has been a wonderful 14 years and look forward to many more years of traveling with my partner, friend, and wife.


Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.