Holy Week in Sorrento

One of the most significant events of Easter in Sorrento are the processions. These performances take place between Thursday and Good Friday, and are certainly among the most In Sorrento, a series of events during Holy Week, that despite the strong religious character, are real symbols of tradition and folklore can charm even non-believers. The procession on Holy Thursday, is the Lady who seeks His Son. It began around 3am and continues around the town to return to church at dawn. The origins of this procession date back to medieval times, and in particular to the custom of the members of the brotherhoods in groups to visit the various churches of the city at the Tomb Holy Thursday. Over time, these processions have been enriched with symbols: the torches, the recitation of psalms during the procession of the cross. In 1700 the procession rituals was “institutionalized” and has assumed the characteristics it is today. The procession of Holy Thursday is also known by the noun of “White” because of the color of the Sai and the caps worn by the men who take part in this event.

The Good Friday procession, at 9 pm that night, represents the funeral procession for the death of Jesus. The procession is opened by a band that performs some of the most famous funeral marches, including Chopin. During the passage of the parade is the street lights and shop signs are turned off and the city is lit only by torches carried by the brethren. The atmosphere is made even more evocative of the Miserere sung by the choir of 200 men singing the Psalm 50 in Gregorian style. The precession of Good Friday, from which women are excluded, it is also known as “Black Procession”, as the color of the caps and you know that wearing the brothers is typical of mourning.

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.