Its all fun and games till someone gets hurt . . .

The Transportation and Toy Museum in Wanaka is said to have over 50,000 items and is described as a informal pandora box of surprises. They invite you to visit, explore and imagine. The museum has a collection of movie props from movies filmed here in New Zealand. The source of my problem.

We found among the many Star Wars memorabilia a Star Wars Star Fighter interactive game. There was a sign that said feel free to crawl in for a great photo opportunity. Before I could think, I crawled in. BEFORE I COULD THINK, Hmmmmmmm. Well never mind, I was part of the Rebel Alliance, shooting laser cannons and imagining the trade Federation doing battle. I was Luke Skywalker.

Luke Skywalker is a 15 year old boy, I am, ahem, a lady of some years. Once I crawled in and slipped into the hard plastic, very tight seat, I knew I was in trouble. When it was time to get out, I just could not. I have a store bought knee, so I could not bend enough to send my legs out of the opening. There were no handles, so there was no way to pull up. Besides, we were laughing so hard over the whole affair, I was just weak, which only brought more gales of giggles. David’s advice of just point your head toward the cement floor and you can fall out, was ignored. David was busy clicking away with the camera, but ultimately, he got under my armpits, and hauled. Freedom. Fun. Never again.

We then spent the next couple hours looking at cars (one of which is the yellow pull – push car). It drives in two directions, no need for a reverse in this guy. The old Austin’s, Wolseley’s, Hudson, Chevys. Much less all the classic planes. All in all a fun way to spend the afternoon.

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.