Kenai Fjords National Park – Seward, AK

We saw incredible numbers of humpbacks, otters, orcas, sea lions, puffins, and kittiwakes, etc.  The whales were amazing, breeching and flipping their tails, or just raising their flippers to say hi. At one point the humpback whales (there were between 6 and 10 of them) were collaboratively using bubbles to trap fish and then feasting together. Words fail me for how amazing it was to witness this over and over.  Over the course of the day, we saw about 24 separate whales.

The Aialik glacier viewing was also spectacular. We spent at least 20 minutes watching and listening to the glacier creak and crash into the water.  A huge section fell into the ocean, and though I feel terrible to see this ice that will never exist again, it is so impressive that it stays in my mind still.  The photos of the calving are a series taken of of a very large calving.  Sorry for not adding sound, think of loud and rumbling thunder.

Chase (our oldest grandson) is learning about photography on this trip.  I was glad that this scenery and this photographic place was an inspiration and made an epic impression in his minds eye.

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.