Kenai Peninsula: July 12 – August 18, 2013

When David and Karen visited Alaska 3 years ago, the Kenai stood out as the place we wanted to come back to and spend a significant amount of time.  It does not surprise us that we set aside 5 weeks to hike, kayak, bear watch and just hang out in Alaska’s outdoor playground.

There is no prediction on what we will do on any given date; that is driven by weather; things like wind or rain.  The extremely cool mornings (wake up to 50-55 degrees) do not move toward 60+ degrees until almost noon.   The early days are spent scouting out kayak put in points, and talking to camp hosts etc. on the back roads and their favorite bear sitting spots.

When I told one person I was not fishing because I really did not know how, they instructed me to just show up at a river, and I would get so much advice and help and the other fisherman would be happy for the distraction.

The warm and friendly nature of the people we met has really struck me each and every day.  The folks never seem to mind reporting their favorite spots, the directions on how to get there and the timing of this salmon run, (there are many salmon runs:  pink, king, red) or the particulars of how to gut a fish.  All with a good natured, easy going cadence that we are all in the rarified air of Alaska.   Perhaps it is the community mantra that you don’t leave your neighbor stranded.

Along the way we will be camping in Sterling, Cooper Landing, Seward, Portage, Kelly Lake, Homer, Ninilchik and Kenai before we head back to Anchorage on August 18th.

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.