Mid Trip Vacation – April 18 – April 25

We have toured the western coast of Italy including Almalfi Coast; Rome; Naples; Florence; Tuscany (wine country); Siena. We had booked this cruise as a mid trip vacation and transportation, food and lodging to get from Rome to Venice. And of course adding two more countries: Montenegro and Croatia.

Stay tuned for some great additional posts of the sites listed above including David goes to Italian cooking school, a 3 hour solo class preparing a lovely dinner for Karen, Karen says it was her best Italian dinner and certainly in her top 5 ever. Friends – David has all the recipes, if you provide the kitchen.

Update – the cruise also gives a break back to the western world. For lunch chicken wings, lemonade, and brownie sundae.

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.