NCL Cruise. Rome to Venice – April 18 – 25, 2015

The last-minute-deals section of cruise websites can be addicting. David found a killer rate on a 7 day cruise from Rome to Venice (with a stops in Naples, Sicily, Montenegro and Croatia). Our logic was it repositioned us from central Italy to northern Italy; but it turned out to be a wonderful vacation with a small interlude back into American comfort food.

Our port calls allowed us to see a couple spots in Naples, most notable was the underground city created by the Ancient Greek who carved out stones for the buildings still standing 2,000 years later; and the Romans who created linking channels between these caverns, added aqueducts and created wells for easy water gathering. We saw this by candlelight. Other sections of the underground were used, during WW II, as housing for women and children after their houses were demolished and a bomb shelter when planes were spotted overhead. Remnants of the war are still seen there. Napoli pizza was a must. Also in Naples is a sculpture which some art historians agree is the finest sculpture ever created; the Veiled Christ was carved from a single piece of marble. The detail was incredible, you could just stare at and see nuisance after detail after shading . . .

It rained in Sicily, so we were pretty quiet, but Montenegro was a wonderful surprise. We hiked up to an old fortress and enjoyed the views and the chance to stretch our legs after countless calories of comfort food. Back in the village of Kotor (Croatia also) offered medieval cobblestones streets, great cappuccino, lovely people, and the desire to return to Eastern Europe and see in in depth. (This was just our toe in the water.)

Venice, of course was stunning and is worthy of its own blog. Ciao for now.

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.