“Not all that wander are lost” – JRR Tolkien

One for the bucket list. I loved JRR Tolkien’s trilogy:The Hobbit. Everyone knows it is filmed in New Zealand and the original set for hobbit town still exists in its entirety. We got to go there! It was incredible. There were no hobbits and my feet did not become large and hairy bit it was great, the guides bring parts of the movie we all remember. . . . Like Frodo jumped over the fence right there . . .. Or that is Sam Gamshee’s house . . . . . Or other tidbits that happened during filming. It was so cool,

Dave told me we took 441 pictures of Hobbiton, that alone should tell you how enthralled we were. Lucky for you you get to see just the very best ones.

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.