Old Man Rock – Farewell Spit – Golden Bay

Some may think Old Man David, but in this case it was the name of the Cape Farewell Spit horse trek that we took named after a rock resembling an old mans face. The trek led us on top and behind the Old Man. This was truly an amazing horse trek and one of our favorite rides. This trek was the ultimate in overland trekking with absolutely stunning views, an ever-changing terrain from roads to flat, grassy paddocks, hill climbs, water crossing, and sandstone tracks. With opportunities for a faster pace, it has everything you could imagine. We had views of all of Farewell Spit and out to sea.

Farewell Spit, at the tip of the South Island, is New Zealand’s longest sand spit (25 km) and a nature reserve. The area’s attractions include a historic lighthouse, the seals and striking landforms of Wharakiki Beach and a cliff top viewing platform. It is an internationally-renowned bird sanctuary with over 90 bird species recorded in the area. Every spring, thousands of wading birds arrive from the northern hemisphere. Other birds range from black swans to sparrows. Penguins also breed in the area.

The caves, islands, and arches of Wharariki Beach, where seals breed, are among the most dramatic in the country. Check out the seal pups in our previous post of Golden Bay. Behind are constantly shifting dunes and a series of lakes and swamps. The vegetation is diverse, with some very rare plants.

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.