Otago Central Rail Trail – Part II

The eastern portion of the Otago Central Rail Trail starts in Middlemarch, about one hour drive west of Dunedin. It is a continuation of an earlier post. We started and ended our ride at Hyde, midway on the eastern section of the trail that took us over two bridges and through one tunnel. The NZ Cycle Trails have been a highlight.

When we finishing the days ride we stopped at the Hyde Hotel and Cafe for the highly recommended piece of carrot cake. While enjoying a cold beverage and the cake we observed a film crew from Australia shooting video for their show named Places We Go at http://placeswego.com

This is a travel show that airs weekly on Australian television. We believe that the program filmed on the Otago Central Rail Trail and their other NZ adventures will air in mid April, but will be available later in April on their wesite, placeswego.com

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.