Pacific Rim of Fire – Rotorua

Rotorua is a place to get your adrenalin juices flowing then get a massage and relax in mineral pools.

Rotorua is one place where the turbulent forces that formed New Zealand are most evident. This city, on the Volcanic Plateau, has one of the world’s most lively fields of geothermal activity and sits squarely on the Pacific Rim of Fire. This town on the North Island is a place of fascinating Māori culture, hot springs and boiling mud pools. Rotorua’s unique geothermal properties can be experienced at Polynesian Spa when you take a dip in the mineral pools.

Rotorua hosted the countries National Sevens Rugby tournament. Having never been to a Rugby game, we decided to spend our Saturday watching several games and while asking fellow spectators to explain the game.

We cycled by the many hot springs and mud pools. We also did some trekking a along side of some giant redwood trees.

Rotorua has many attractions to get the adrenalin flowing; with vendors not worried about liability and feeling brave, we tried luging and Zorbing down a mountain. Once was not enough we tried several attempts at each. Stay tuned for these adrenaline filed posts.

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.