Playa Coronado, Panama – December 12 – 15, 2012

Amid the background of Central American activities ancient and spectacular, is to find a new cultural phenomena — a North American expat community. What exactly attracts those snow birds, is it like Florida? Grey haired drivers wielding golf carts? How will you recognize one? Is it expensive, is it for us?

Well you recognize the highway bill boards with names of housing areas. Words like sea or sun, and the lovely fabric flags with the symbol of the housing area, either side of the road approaching the over the top entrance with large silvery letters, and security guards — lots of them. Two or three sets.

Then you see some of the most beautiful beaches and tall high rises, one near the other and once inside you are sure you are near a Marriott. These are planned communities. Pools, saunas, work out areas, great wi-fi and english speaking television, happy hour and a whole lot of happy people. Most are 50-60 years old, robust, the kind that swim every day, or walk 10,000 steps. They are interesting, from all over the world really, not just North America each with a tale of what brought them to this little piece of paradise and very interested in the community. They claim to have very little free time, given friendships and volunteer work, personal goals and travel to even more far flung places on earth.

David and I feel very at home, everyone so inviting and seeking the same lifestyle of continuing education by way of experiences. We called Colorado and told a few people, you would just love this place. I think we do to. We looked at the two bedroom condos, just in case we get company. Hopefully, we will be back next year for a month instead of just a few days to see if it is just as magical. Care to signup?

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.