San Jose, CR – January 8 – 15, 2013

Less than a week left. We are in an apartment for this week. American tv, kitchen, barBque and more. It is on a hill over looking San Jose. Yesterday went to see a movie. Great Internet is allowing us to plan future trips. We have some more planning to do for Africa. Then Alaska and Antarctica and South America. We are also working on Europe options. We sit down looking at a map and calendar and drop pins. We are now into 2014 planning as Karen calls it dream and scheme. One of the things that are different on this trip is that we do not have a house to worry about and without the costs of the house we splurge more. Settling down in a condo, house or apartment for several days at a time allows unpacking and true living in a foreign country. We have met many ex-pats who have lived here for several years. Many of them professionals who say that they needed to get their money out of the US. Several years ago was the best time to buy here, prices have gone up since. We think it is best to rent. Thinking that we may come back sometime and rent a condo for a month or two in an ex pat community. Luxury Condo rents for $2,000 per month. In places you can rent them for $500.

Car rental, although expensive, and the required insurance doubles the rate, gives you freedom of movement and sure way in getting lost. It’s all part of the journey.

Trying to compress a lot into the 2 days in Denver without causing stress. One appointment is going to travel doc to get malaria med for South Africa.

We will be back to Denver on March 11 for about two months enough time to have shoulder surgery and recovery. Mid to early May we will drive to Bellingham WA to get the RV ready for Alaska. Our plans are to drive up and take the ferry back. Plans are for 4 months in Alaska and then work our way down the coast and end up in San Diego by mid October. January 2014 is Antartica.

Another thing that worked out well is to take our cell phones with us and buy SIM cards in each country for making local calls. It is a must especially when you are renting a car and need to make local calls when lost. Most rental car companies rent cell phones but the cost of one day is the price of a SIM card about $5 for mucho minutes. It also gives us local phone number to receive calls.

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.