
Arriving in Sydney with 4 days before would make you think we had plenty of time. Not in this city, bustling with things to do (jazz concert at the opera house); places to go (the beach, where else) and people to see (Serge and Gerry — our table mates from the repositioning cruise).

On a beautiful blue sky day, we found ourselves at the Sydney eye, a tall spire looking down and across the entire city skyline, a 360 degree panorama. Imagine our shock when a giant panda bear came along to hug us and ask for some eucalyptus. Of course we were frightened, see the look on our faces!!!! But all was well, because it was a senseless souvenir photo in the end. We just thought it was worth some drama.

There were hardly enough time to cover the highlights, and we were lucky to have locals as our guides. Sydney is said to be one of the top 10 most-livable cities in the world and it is easy to understand why. WE LOVED this place. Our apartment was well situated and walking distance to virtually everywhere. When our feet were just too sore, the public transport was excellent, and the free shuttle bus dropped us off right at the corner.

The Queen Victoria building the best in shopping, street buskers and musicians, the ferries were an excursion in and of themselves, made us so sorry to be leaving this wonderful place.

The cruise ship stops in Melbourne and Hobart, Tasmania but I can see a return trip in the stars.

The final skyline at night pictures were taken from the rear of our Diamond Princess pulling out of port, a beautiful ending to a magical place.

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.