The Estancia el Bordo de Las Lanzas

We really like Argentina! Staying at an Estancia (horse ranch), reminded David of his youth where his family vacationed at the Malibu Dude Ranch.

Riding Peruvian horses, led by a true Argentine gaucho, was really a treat. The horses were so well mannered and easy to ride. One of the 10 children is a vet (he lives there part time) says they still raise and breed the ponies from the lines his father and grandfather had used. This was a place steeped in history, in family, and in comfort.

The Cornejo family bought the property in 1609, and have been working the land ever since. The current head of agriculture, and one of the owners, Augustino, invited us to lunch (an assado, an Argentine bbq) on the back patio, one day and explained the history. A few weeks ago we saw the rich mountain in Potosi, from which the Spanish had extracted silver for years. Moving the silver to market safely was an issue, as well as finding food to feed the workers. One solution was to move the Potosi silver to Salta, Argentina and then load the llamas with food for the return trip. To support that endeavor, the great grandfather X generations ago was given a large swath of land, which he could pay off by by providing food for miners. And the family lives and works in the area today. We met mama, and 4 of her 10 children who lived in the house until 20 years ago.

It is now a bed and breakfast, and mom and available kids (grandkids) come on Sunday afternoons to enjoy lunch, their swimming pool and keep their fingers on the life of the ranch. It is just beautiful. A large central courtyard, way lots of bedrooms, gardens, covered patios, horse stables, mountain bikes, traditional dancing from town kids, great food and wine, and just a place to chill for a few days.

Riding the Peruvian horses, led by a true Argentine gaucho, was really a treat. The horses were so well mannered and easy to ride. One of the 10 children is a vet (he lives there part time) says they still raise and breed the ponies from the lines his father and grandfather had used. This was a place steeped in history, in family, and in comfort. I think we really like Argentina.

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.