The Island of Capri (KAH-pre)

Capri’s rise to fame is from the jet setting movie stars, royalty and ultra rich business families that have houses here. This “paradise of idleness” is surrounded by the bluest of seas; the dramatically beautiful, flower-covered Island of Capri has been enchanting visitors for centuries.
Its breathtaking landscapes and beauty stretch from the rocky caves around the island to the edge of the horizon, and has been an inspiration to poets, lovers and travelers throughout the centuries.

On the ferry boat from Sorrento, a man systematically introduced himself to each group and offered a personal tour. We joined him for a day of delight, without whom we never would have seen the details behind beautiful island and understood its place in history.

Of course there are also gardens to ahhh over and funky houses where the inhabitants were able to include priceless art into their domestic design (before antiquity laws were in effect). A group of cloistered nuns, found patrons among the visiting royalty to create an amazing chapel. One prince commissioned an artist to create “the world” on the floor of their chapel. . . . For the nuns to look down upon from their rooms. In 1761 they installed a marvelous hand painted ceramic tile floor. It shows the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. The dramatic scene takes place in a lush setting surrounded by trees, plants and all types of animals among which there’s also a unicorn. However, the artist had not seen all these animals, only heard of them, and he painted the crocodile with ears, a delight to us now.

Sunshine, beauty, exotic locals, and of course ice cream, a fine day we had on Capri.

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.