The Journey Across the Ocean – March 16 – 31, 2015

Transatlantic cruises are one of the most sought after travel experiences. It is a “voyage” and not a cruise, since so many sea days are part of the itinerary. Think of it as mobile elegance between two continents – connecting the old world with the new, with a fitting air of grace, space and formality across the Atlantic Ocean.

There are plenty of distractions during a transatlantic cruise. Lectures twice a day, afternoon teas, trivia contests, and stage shows every night, and even a movie theatre – and let’s not forget the abundance of food! With nothing to do all day, long chatty breakfasts are the norm, meeting people from everywhere and all of them fascinating people.

Our dinner mates, Tony and Sandy from Florida were on their way to see family in Sicily, and Gisela and Klaus from Germany were on their way home after a south Florida and Caribbean cruise vacation. Fifteen dinner dates let you get to know someone! Lucky for us we all enjoyed the same things . . .

Not seeing land for eight days is short if you harken yourself back to those immigrants who made the same journey, with a much slower vessel, not sure what they would find on the other end, and certain they would not see family for a long time. It really makes you think.

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.