The Rome Forum

This pile of current day rubble, is arguably the most important piece of real estate in Western civilization. Anything that happened in Ancient Rome, it probably happened here. Floor plans of great civic buildings – basilicas – were created. The same floor plan of churches, who also took the name basilica. Basic laws of republic and justice that still carry to today had its birthplace. Triumphant arches celebrating conquests of far away lands. Constantine arch, celebrated the conquered Jewish people because they would not deny the God of their people. That conquered status would be in place for 2,000 years until the modern state of Israel was created in 1967. Amazing history in one very small spot, it was like the Petrie dish of western civilization. Again the columns and art has been carried off to decorate new places, but the chariot ruts are still in place, and Julius Caesar was Here!

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.