The Roundells – South Africa style – Kruger National Park

Next . . .Happened pretty quickly, back in our bungalow, at Crocodile Bridge Rest Camp, gate closes at 6:30), we were exploring our new digs, roundels, the South African holiday house found in all the rest camps at Kruger. Low, round and with a giant veranda it usually over looks the river on which the rest camp is situated. This was the case for Crocodile Bridge, and the entire rest camp is surrounded by an electric fence which is turned on at 6:30. Just then a large, aggressive bull elephant – in heat – came bellowing up the river bank. It seemed there was a pretty, young female elephant near our fence and the big bull was trumpeting his presence and his skill at impressing the tourists inside the wire fence. If you moved, at all, he stomped, bellowed and stuck his ears straight out. All the signs for humans to shut up and sit down, and click a few pictures. Eventually our lovely lady elephant moved off, and predictably the bull followed, still bellowing. MEN!!! Our safari had only begun.

Over the course of the next 7 nights we stayed in 3 other rest camps: sukuzu, olifants and satara. Always enjoying the roundels, the view, and the beautiful park we found our selves in.

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.