The Vatican

Vatican City is its own country within the city limits of Rome with 900 official residents. The Vatican Museums contain masterpieces of painting, sculpture and other works of art collected by the popes through the centuries. It is the world’s largest private art collection. We took a guided tour through the Museum, the Pope’s quarters, the Sistine Chapel and St Peter’s Basilica. For nearly five hours we were instructed, cajoled, described and escorted through ageless art pieces. We probably saw the finest pieces, but perhaps less than a tenth of all the art museum houses. It was still overwhelming. The Sistine Chapel, and our guides excellent background on Michelangelo’s famous The Creation of Adam ceiling fresco, and The Last Judgement (on the chapel’s back wall) alone was worth the price of admission. If I knew the meanings of the different sections before now, it never struck me as strongly as this time.

Finally, St. Peters Basilica, with the recent declaration of Pope John 23 as a saint, his body has been moved near the main alter, and we were able to get up close and personal. It’s nice to know he is looking so good. We took the opportunity to climb into the dome, and look down at the whole scene. Priceless. Magnificent.

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.