We made it to Vancouver!!!!! That was the goal so many months ago, wow, so many memories and miles since we started. You can’t come to Vancouver without spending time in Stanley Park, perhaps the greatest bike ride in the city. A one way, paved and dedicated circuit around the park, has everyone going in the same circular fashion. The entire ride is about 7 miles with lots of places to get off and see the scenery, have lunch or even go to the beach. You can see the bridges, the seawall, the harbor it is really a wonderful vista around every turn. Unfortunately, I spent more time riding than I did taking pictures, so we are going to do this ride over again.
In a belated moment, Chase had wished he had gone swimming at the beach, so we found Sunset Beach and lo and behold, the water was COLD!!!!!! so that was a quick swim. Better to have ice cream with Grandma and Grandpa. The RV park where we are staying has a unique set of rules, all cars and trucks are kept at the front of the park, by the office. The upside is that the roads within the park are mostly empty during the day, the perfect place for kids on their bikes, and playing ball and running all over the place. It really is kind of nice to have such a kid friendly park, who has kept the cars far out of the way , especially since we have a kid who is right in the thick of cops and robbers.
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