Whale Island Resort December 28 – January 2, 2012

We needed a vacation from our vacation.  A chance to stop, rest, and tuck in for New Years Eve.  We found ourselves in a bamboo bungalow 25 feet from the water’s edge.  “Our house” was the thatched roof directly in front of the blue canoe.  Dave would say in the middle of the night he thought the air conditioning was turning on only to realize the wind was blowing straight through the wide gaps around the doors and windows.  You could here the tides crashing against the sea wall in the night.  These were the views from the front garden, looking in and looking out. Very simple.

The place was filled with water toys, and snorkeling of course, this is a hotel managed marine reserve, they are rebuilding the reef and enhancing the conditions for the coral and fish.  So we sat, played scrabble, read books, took naps, ate three very French meals a day.  (Lots of bread).  This is a French resort so besides four Australians traveling together, we were the only English speakers there.

One day we say a barge moving a entire fish farm.  We had to giggle, talk about a mobile home . . .   new town same house has been our mantra, guess it is the same for Vietnamese fisherman.   Happy New Year ! ! !