Where the Romans roam – April 9 – 13, 2015

We roam thru the Piazzas; listened to street music; braved the public transit system, and surrendered to the mass of tourists. After touring the major sites described in earlier posts, we visited the Jewish Ghetto, with its still operating synagogue; the narrow cobblestone alleys of Travestere; the Pantheon (which is the best preserved building in Rome, still an active church, and has amazing light with the portico in the roof), and other lesser known sites. Our 5 days in Rome was just enough to hit most sites but only a fraction of the 900 churches, and more than a fraction of the gelato stands. We have our priorities in the right place. Rome is a city with so much history and life you could wander there for endless days.

We rented a car at the Port of Rome (one hour train ride from Rome) to wander through Tuscany and Umbria on the wine tasting, medieval village portion of the trip. The return of the rental car set us up for the next cruise, but that is too many stories away.

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.