Wine tasting in Casablanca, Chile

Wine tasting is one of our favorite past times during this trip. Although difficult, we have come up with our favorite wines. Unfortunately, some are not exported to the US. An area to the northeast of Santiago is a region of many fruit and vegetable farms. Further to the east and closer to the Pacific Ocean is the town of Casablanca, mostly Chilean wine wines. We hired a private tour to transport our luggage and our bodies to our next stop on the Pacific Ocean in Vina del Mar. This also positioned us close to Valparaiso, where we embark on our 22 day cruise on December 20. Of course, our private tour had stops at three wineries in Casablanca. Unfortunately for Chile, we did not find our favorite white (blanco) wine. Our favorite white wine is from New Zealand and South Africa. Oh, how great it is to visit wineries worldwide.

This was our third and final stay at the Trivento Apartments in Santiago, many thanks to Victor, in making our stay feel like home. Victor stored our large duffel, which contained much of our cruise clothing, which allowed us to travel a little lighter, as we visited other parts of Bolivia, Argentina and Chile.

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.