Zambia – Feb 13 – 19, 2013

We stayed in a lovely guest house named Green Tree Lodge. When we entered Zambia we paid for and received a 2 entry visa since we were planning to go over to Zimbabwe as well. In Zambia, we spent two days viewing Victoria Falls in Zambia and Zimbabwe (separate post), evening dinner cruise with unlimited alcoholic drinks, canoeing down the Zambeze River, and walking with Cheetahs (separate post).

During receiving instructions regarding what to expect while canoeing we were warned that the most dangerous animal on the river is not the crocs but are the hippos. Once we started floating down the river we came across the first set of 10 or so hippos, fortunately, they were on the opposite side of the river. Although we were close enough to hear and see them very clearly.

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.