Chasing Chase through Alaska: July 22 – August 1, 2013

David and I realize, first hand, that travel broadens the mind and provides the traveler a world wide classroom.  Travel changes a person, introduces them to new ideas, and brings those things from books into real life.  What a wonderful opportunity for our grandchildren and for us.  We committed to take the grandkids with us for periods of time to share the world and to make memories here (where here is at the moment).  Chase is our oldest grandson (13 in October), he shared our exploits for 10 days this summer.

Last year Chase joined us in Canada.  He learned how to convert from fahrenheit to celsius, miles to kilometers, and handle money that comes in colors much less loonies and toonies!  After, we make a memory book called Chasing Chase through  British Columbia.

This year we chased Chase through Alaska.  We experienced the wonders of the midnight sun, the search for bears, the shock of finding bears,  the majesty and fragility of glaciers, the joy of kayaking, the amazement of breaching whales and the excitement of your first real fishing trip (with 3 salmon to show for it).  We made lots of memories this year.  Great posts and photos are coming soon  – Chasing Chase in the Kenai and David N Karen adventures in Alaska.

And we have 5 other grandchildren to chase!

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.