The Transition – 2015

Of course, given the opportunity, we would be in kayak or bike, or visiting someplace new. “We can update the blog at night” but night time would find us asleep in our chairs or too tired to think much. We were headed to the big Keystone Montana rally in Goshen, Indiana when Megan joined us on our journeys as an angel. We did attend the last couple days of the rally and the Keystone factory repaired a few warranty items that had made themselves known as we rumble down the road. We moved thru St Louis and spent time with both sides of our family, always healing. Then to Nashville and an evening at the Grand Ole Opry with my sister Gemma who lives a few hours away. We finished in south Atlanta where we spent our week cleaning, waxing, closing down and winterizing all the vehicles. They live in storage there until we return in late January.

Author: David

Karen and I are full time travelers internationally by suitcase or by RV domestically including Canada.