Waterton Lakes National Park, Canada – June 13 – 15, 2012

As we enter Alberta, Canada our first stop takes to the Canadian side of Glacier National Park.

Dreams come true.  our first stop, was Waterton Lakes National Park, the Canadian side of Glacier National Park.  In Canada, the national parks are the best place to stay because the township is completely encompassed by the park, so it is a double header, you get both the town and the park.  What you don’t get is wi-fi, and that’s a large part of our story.  We could rarely find the bandwidth to upload pictures and so the blog got more and more behind . . . .  Sorry.

It’s been raining, the pictures certainly show cloudy skies, but animals need to eat no matter the weather, and since we are early in the season, the wildlife are plentiful.  The big horn sheep were just wandering down the road.  It was too wet to hike, so we decided to let the horses do the walking . . .  We enjoyed a three hour meander through prairie and mountains.

Another component of Canadian parks is their grand lodge system, so in nearly every major park, there is a grand lodge, (this was the Prince of Whales) a picture perfect place for lunch.  Note to self:  Repeat this process every single place we go.